Sunday, December 28, 2008

Weird Taste In Mouth After Clarithromycin

Louis Doucet: a clear vision of the art epaper

My friend Louis Doucet agreed to write a text on my work on epaper.
will be published shortly, upon exposure to Bernard Ceysson gallery.
His few lines expose with clarity, vision so just art digital epaper.
Here's the text:

Gilles Guias, the virtual drive

In his works on e-paper, Gilles Guias transposes the art of intaglio, ancient technique in this virtual universe which characterizes the beginning of our XXI e century.

formal Parents are indeed many among the screen-reader e-paper and a engraving burin or drypoint. First, the dialectic black-white common to both techniques, in incisive strokes, inflexible, distanced through the tool and the resistance of the metal or the graphics palette. The spontaneity that characterizes the design or lithography is here contained and curbed by exercising slowly mastered a technique and a material that resists and thwarts the natural fluidity of gesture. The format then reduced, almost precious, highlighted by large margins in reserves, making these two types of artifacts objects slow relish, savor the atmosphere a curio cabinet, as opposed to sounding cymas our museums show organizers. The notion of state finally renewed by e-paper. A single substrate can view, in minutes, the successive stages of thought and gesture of the artist, which for the antique lover prints, could be the quest of a lifetime.

In 1935, Walter Benjamin, in his essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, noted the loss of will of the artwork as a result of the advent of techniques and means of mass reproduction that are printing, photography and film. Seventy years later, Gilles Guias relies on means of distribution and reproduction of mass to restore the piece to its original vibration, prompting an almost mystical communication, like icons of Orthodox churches. The multiplication is no longer here, a synonym of disembodiment and loss of autonomy, but vector affirmation of a very physical identity.

Louis Doucet , December 2008

Read Louis Doucet>

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Better Way Of Saying Congrats On Your Engagement

Art on epaper in Saint Etienne.

The gallery Bernard Ceysson organizing a group exhibition, "brawl, drawings, dated January 29 to March 8, 2009.
I am happy to present some new works on epaper.
If you're around it's time to discover this gallery so dynamic.

Gallery Bernard Ceysson is in Saint Etienne, 8 rue des Hollow. (Tel: +33 (0) 4 77 33 28 93), and plan to go here.


Play Online Elf Bowling

Drawing made on an iPhone with Idoodle

Always looking for new experiences in the field of digital painting and drawing, I made some small tests with an iPhone, especially with the application iDoodle2 (downloadable from iTunes). Here is a

Also note, a new blog dedicated to the designs on iPhone
