Friday, June 26, 2009

Replacement Bulb Fro Ikea Stranne Lamp

Painting Exhibition in Paris on iPhone

Here we go! The project to create a painting exhibition on the iPhone is launched.
This will be in Paris in December, a site is online for all the info:

The idea is to present some works (made on the iPhone) in black and white on a support epaper.

Monday, June 8, 2009

How To Translate Doujinshi

A few details before you start ...


Here is the transcript of the proceedings of first States-General of cultural action film and audiovisual which were held in January 2009 in Paris, attended by over 300 people representing more than 200 structures representing the whole of France for diversity and cross-cultural action film and video, with the presence and intervention by institutional and national and regional elected.

It is preceded by a summary internal debates that took place the day closed between the hundred professionals who have been fortunate to have access, as space is very limited ... regrettably

... and followed by:

cultural action, the States General and after (
Cahiers du Cinema, February 2009)
Notes in ink Blac written since May 2009 by Emmanuel Burdeau (for
Médiapart particular) as much extra time for reflection.

Happy reading.

Bless Marriage Bible Verses


SYNTHESIS Thursday, January 8, 2009

Post morning of January 8 was restricted to field of cultural activity that have been invited to discuss and exchange from an inventory of cultural action film audiovisual and to define together a real "charter" of cultural action.
We discussed in particular during the afternoon following themes:
  • Cultural action film: the role of theaters
  • Issues citizens of arts education and vocational
  • renewal talent
  • The Auclaire report: critical analysis

TRANSCRIPT OF Friday, January 9

Andréanszky Eugene, Executive Children and film Amelie Chatellier, Deputy Delegate General of the SRF - League of filmmakers.

Morning Lefait led by Philippe, a journalist for France 2

Unable to hear from everyone, the choice of individuals and associations present was not dictated by the will highlight a more than another, but rather by the desire to represent the action in its cultural diversity, both geographically and in terms of fields of action. In order to present many accounts, they were brief, and incisive. A director was present at each discussion.

Cinema prison of Justice and of Health, has signed two protocols for culture, including movies, can go into hospitals and prisons. Today, besides the fact that financial resources are insufficient, these programs remain confined to the idea of social action that reduces the meaning of what is produced and is available in terms of image, since it is on film Above all it is. It is essential that the Ministry of Culture reaffirms the value of a cultural action film in its own right developed in these places by imaging professionals.
Image Traveler

The image education. Weaving link

Jerome Descamps, director, founding member of Film bewitched (Champagne-Ardennes)
GLEMAIN Antoine, director Atmospheres 53 (Mayenne); Chantal Richard, director. Screening of
Y 'not only the flowers
(3'), film studio, The Film Enchanted collective achievement.
What would happen if "brave warriors" did not take the road to go towards public confined to the four corners of the world? The basis of any democracy is to ensure that the conditions access to culture, as well as rights to health and education are equal for all. The mesh of associative cultural action suffers from inadequate resources, where they should be strengthened, so that every child and every adult can, by right, have a positive image of education and fully enjoy the same rights.

Popular Education

access to culture for all real issue citizen
Belaïdi Aisha, president of Urban Talent / Film Festival on Nuggets (Ile de France), Jocelyne
QUELO, responsible Multimedia Home People Montreuil (Ile de France), Cyril Seassau, the League of Education; Jean-Pierre Thorn, director.

Since Andre Malraux, who championed its values, popular education, while experiencing more or less difficult times, remains a major challenge of our Republic. Europe has always envied France her bold programs, able to offer a diverse culture and accessible to all, including the poorest. The structures that have marked the history of popular culture are weakened by the decline in lending, multimedia projects abandoned by the Ministry of Culture and the new incoming associations suffer from an already impoverished. What fate then this priority of our civic life?
Hall and festivals

Distribution is committed

Philippe Etienne, Director, Executive Gindou Festival (Midi-Pyrenees); Nicolas Mey, head of the cinema Salamander Morlaix (Brittany);
Gilles Porte, director.

From north to south of France, without the diffusion through the halls and most diverse festivals, film diversity could not exist. Without the work of professionals committed and passionate about what they show, for the variety of looks and themes proposed, we will find ourselves without food for our imagination, entrusted to a very poor standard and complied with the rules the box office, already so overwhelming. Ensure the survival of these structures must be part of the primary concerns of our guardianship!
Speakers in the room
Anne-Marie Testy, Director Studio 13 in Cannes, Anna
Defendini, representative of the CCAS, works for EDF-GDF;
Cyril Light, Confederation rural households;
Christian Oddo, a representative of SDI - Union of independent distributors.


moderated by Aline Pailler journalist

the afternoon helped lay the groundwork for a dialogue with governments, politicians and professionals about the prospects and fate of public policies for film and broadcasting in our country. It was organized into two large round tables.


Creation / distribution: issues of cultural action film and audiovisual

Solveig Anspach, director;
Durupty Anne, Deputy Director General of NCC;
Eric Guirado, director;
Vincent Paul Boncour, distributor (Carlotta Films / Movies Bodega)
Sylvie Robert, Vice-President of the Regional Council of Brittany responsible for culture and national culture secretary of the Socialist Party;
Gilles Sacuto, producer (TS Productions). Speakers in the room

Blois Lawrence, managing director of SNRT-CGT;
Philippe Germain, Executive Agency of the short film; Ermeline The Mezo, regional coordinator in Champagne-Ardenne Month documentary film.

The theater as every industry sector "research and development, embodied in particular through the die of the short film, which forms writers, directors, producers, technicians, artists - who will be tomorrow's cinema. Our industry also produces films that are not immediately "profitable", first films, experimental films, documentaries ... Yet these films are distributed and face an audience, through the extensive network of festivals, art house cinemas, theaters associations, which are in France a single mesh in the world. How the creators themselves do they see this vast and diverse network of cultural action? What is the role of the network of cultural action in discovering and promoting new talent, then recognized by the market itself? How to continue this research in a context of growing insecurity and fragility of these networks? Might we not threaten the renewal and vitality of our creation by weakening the broadcast?


Cultural action film and video, an essential element of the regional cultural development?

Alain Auclair, member of the film distribution to the CNC;
Stéphane Brizé, director;
Vincent Eble, President of the General Council of Seine-et-Marne; Hurard Francis, advise the Department of Theatre Arts and Communication;
Antoine Leclerc, managing director of Carrefour festivals;
Dominique Paille, Advisor to the President of the Republic and spokesman for the UMP. Speakers in the room

Andréanszky Eugene, managing director of the Children of cinema
Xavier Blom, director of the AFCA. Huguette Bonomi, project officer at the pole Culture of the French Federation of Youth Homes and culture; Frederick Borgia, managing director of Cinema 93;
François Campana, national coordinator of the device Smugglers images;
Catherine Cavelier, operator of the Cinematograph at Nantes
John Peter Daniel, director of the Alhambra in Marseille and president of the Children of cinema
Philippe Germain, Executive Agency of the short film;
Helena Jimenez, director of the regional delegate ACRIF and students and apprentices to the movies in the Ile -de-France, Stephane
Goudet, director of Méliès de Montreuil;
Fabienne Hanclot, general delegate of ACID;
Michel Humbert, president and director of the SCARE of the AFCA.
Antoine Leclerc, managing director of Carrefour des festivals
Bernard Legendre, representing Parny Francis, vice chairman of the Regional Council of Ile-de-France, responsible for culture;
Jocelyne QUELO, coordinator of media culture at the House popular Montreuil;
Geneviève Troussier, director of Cafe des images Hérouville St. Clair.

France, for a cultural policy proactive built step by step, year after year, a regional cultural development unique. Cinemas, but also festivals, film clubs, MJC, media, schools, high schools, prisons, hospitals ... and many other places still allow each citizen to have access to culture and cinemas. These distribution networks, highly diversified, highly protean, are now in danger and greatly weakened. In this context, what future for the democratization of culture, however, advocated by the President of the Republic? What access to works for the public tomorrow? What roles should take the different territorial levels, states and local authorities, in support to field? How to restore confidence?