Sunday, May 17, 2009

How To Make A Rat Playground

reminder of the genesis of the report

An inventory of cultural action - film, audiovisual and multimedia - coupled with a study of conditions for greater complementarity of actions in the fields of broadcasting, the Planning and Education in the image, was commissioned to Alain Auclair, in early 2008. This order was in response to the unprecedented mobilization in Saint-Andre-des-Arts Collective, whose large size and representativeness of a sector is extremely heterogeneous had greatly surprised the Ministry of Culture and Communication. Shortly after the publication of the report by Alain Auclair in November 2008, the department has demonstrated to the Blac to announce that the document would serve as a basis for dialogue with stakeholders in the cultural action.
Having shelled extensively in the eighty pages (plus appendices), we have reached a shared conclusion: we believe that the report suffers from "schizophrenia" between his diagnosis and his proposals.


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