Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cruising Places In Orlando


Introduction by Amelie Chatellier and Eugene Andréanszky

On behalf of the interim secretariat of the Collectif
cultural action film and audiovisual
(Blac), we want to welcome everyone to
this new place of cultural activity that welcomes us for these two days of work and reflection.
Almost a year to the day after the historic gathering of the St. Andre des Arts, exceeding all corporatism, we end up with the same determination, the same energy to move forward together ...
Since that date "before it is too late "- to refer to our editorial in the folder on the cultural activity of Cahiers du Cinema in January 2009 that was given to you at the door - the group began to exist and to mention only some of its actions, we recall:

intervention of Jeanne Moreau at the ceremony Caesar, and still the same February 22, 2008, mobilization "black screens, throughout France over 200 screens;

launch In April, the text transdisciplinary "Save our culture! "With actors of cultural action from theater, dance, plastic arts, multimedia or music and film, which has collected nearly 15,000 signatures on this occasion the Blac asked filmmakers to make film leaflets around "Save our culture! "

    press conference" Cinema and Audiovisual towards the dismantling of cultural diversity in France: current status / state of emergency "held May 21, 2008 in space meets the
  • Fortnight ;
    hearing the collective by Alain Auclair, in June 2008 ;
    participation in the caravan cross "Boom! "On the occasion of the Feast of music at the initiative of the heads
  • steep.
    Alongside these actions, the group continued its work of reflection and intervention of the state (and appointment letters to the Ministry of Culture and CNC ...)
  • "Before he too late "because the 2008 was still painful for culture, arts and education.
    And if our mobilization has limited the damage, the final estimated still down to minus 15%. These effects of budget cuts and considerable material, symbolically, a dramatic withdrawal of the state.
  • Faced with this situation and the continuation of actions already undertaken by the collective, we wanted the "States General of the action film and audiovisual culture" with, as its priority objectives:

an attempt to define the cultural action film and audiovisual

a new state of play in early 2009, after a year 2008 somewhat chaotic

an inquiry of the State on its withdrawal in culture and art education;
  • give themselves the opportunity to put together the foundation for a new founding text of cultural action cinema-graphic work and audio.
  • So we spent the afternoon yesterday, during nearly four hours, to reflect together on these issues and many others: the report Auclaire, arts education, the sector of cultural activity and renewal of talent, and, of course, on the emergence of an unprecedented movement that brings together farmers, producers, distributors, filmmakers, national associations, regional, and structures as diverse as the DOJ, rural households, multimedia, ECM - Espaces Culture Multimedia - The movement of drive clubs, the league education, unions to name just a few of the nearly 380 structures that form the collective.
    One of the challenges of these States-General is also to reaffirm a commitment that must be public and shared for the film, its creation and meeting with everyone. This day
  • should also help, testimony and political round tables, to continue the debate and reopen dialogue to move forward together in the reconstruction.
Thanks for coming unabated.


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